Perfect for
running your home servers
Dive in and enjoy continuous access without any time limits!
Recommended for
general teamwork scenarios
Unlock a greater world of Alpacon Core features and benefits
Ideal for large teams
requiring advanced security
Get unlimited access to Alpacon Core, plus options for Extensions
As shown above, we currently offer three plans: Free, Essentials, and Enterprise. The Free plan comes at no cost, and the Enterprise plan offers flexible payment options to suit your specific needs. However, the Essentials plan requires a regular payment schedule and is likely to be the most relevant for most users when it comes to billing. So we’ve outlined the important billing details for the Alpacon Essentials plan below:
We charge based on the number of registered servers in a workspace, not on the number of registered members. Only one representative from your team will handle payments.
Your Alpacon account can include multiple workspaces, each with its own plan and billing interval. This means you may be responsible for payments in one workspace while being a regular member in another.
Your plan will automatically renew each month on the same date as your initial purchase. If a month lacks that date, the renewal will be adjusted to the nearest available date.
If you wish to stop using Alpacon after the current billing cycle, please delete your workspace by 23:59 on the day before the renewal date, according to your workspace’s time zone. Note that deleting a workspace will permanently erase all server data, and we cannot delete workspaces on your behalf.
If you want to downgrade to the Free plan, please adjust the number of registered servers and members to match the Free plan’s limits, i.e. reduce the number of registered servers to five or fewer and delete any team members. Once this is done, you can downgrade your plan in the ‘Manage Plans’ menu under your workspace’s settings. Note that downgrading won’t result in a refund for the remaining period, so it would be most beneficial for you to downgrade to the Free plan the day before the renewal date.
The Essentials plan is billed upfront, based on the number of servers at the start of each billing period – this becomes your reserved server slot count. Within this reserved limit, you have the flexibility to add or remove servers as needed, without any impact on your current billing. However, if you add servers beyond your reserved slot count, additional fees will apply. These fees are prorated based on the number of days each extra server was active and will be included in the next billing period. Please see the following examples for details:
Open slotAdd a server at no additional charge
Prorated charge for 15 days
When a server is registered on Alpacon, we consider the service to be in effect, as resources are allocated to support your workspace – even if it’s not actively utilised in the user’s judgement. This policy is in place to ensure fairness and consistency with our refund guidelines. That said, if your billing period has already started with pre-registered servers, refunds cannot be issued. To avoid unintended charges, we recommend downgrading to the Free plan or deleting your workspace before next renewal date if you no longer wish to continue with a paid plan. However, if there are any billing system errors, such as charges applied without any registered server or while using a Free plan, we will refund any incorrect charges.